

Josh Wills, Sameer Agarwal, David Kriegman and Serge Belongie
Toward a Perceptual Space for Gloss [pdf][website]
ACM Transactions on Graphics Vol. 28(4), 1-15, 2009.

Sameer Agarwal, Josh Wills, Lawrence Cayton, Gert Lanckriet, David Kriegman and Serge Belongie
Generalized Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling [pdf] [code]
AISTATS 2007, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Josh Wills, Sameer Agarwal and Serge Belongie
A Feature-based Approach for Dense Segmentation and Estimation of Large Disparity Motion.
IJCV 2006 pp. 125-143, vol. 68(2).

Ivan Laptev, Serge Belongie, Patrick Pérez and Josh Wills
Periodic Motion Detection and Segmentation via Approximate Sequence Alignment [pdf] [website]
ICCV 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 816-823, vol. 1.

Josh Wills and Serge Belongie
A Feature-based Approach for Determining Long Range Optical Flow. [pdf] [ps] [webpage]
ECCV 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 170-182, vol. 3.

Serge Belongie and Josh Wills
Structure from Periodic Motion.
SCVMA04 (in conjunction with ECCV 2004), Prague, Czech Republic

Josh Wills, Sameer Agarwal and Serge Belongie
What Went Where. [pdf] [webpage]
CVPR 2003, Madison, WI, pp. 37-44 vol. 1.

Josh Wills
"Reflection and Refraction: An Examination of Surface Roughness and Geometrical Optics in Microfacet Reflectance Models" [webpage]
U.C.S.D. Research examination, 2004.